In accordance with Article 35b(1) of the Legal Profession Regulations (de Regeling op de advocatuur), Dutch lawyers of Van Campen Liem have registered a legal practice area in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal areas. This registrations are published on our website.
According to the standards of the Netherlands Bar the registration obliges them to obtain ten training credits per year in each of the registered legal areas.
Professional organisations registrations
In Amsterdam, Van Campen Liem’s attorneys, civil law notaries and tax advisers are registered with, respectively, the following professional organisations:
Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten (The Dutch Bar Association)
De Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie (The Royal Dutch Organisation for Civil Law Notaries)
De Nederlandse Orde van Belastingadviseurs (The Dutch Association of Tax Advisers)
Foreign lawyers are admitted in their home jurisdiction
In Luxembourg, Van Campen Liem’s attorneys and tax advisers are registered with, respectively, the following professional organisations:
Le Barreau de Luxembourg (Luxembourg Bar Council)
Foreign lawyers are admitted in their home jurisdiction
The advocates listed below have registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal areas:
Andrew de Vries is registered for tax law;
Arjen Mulderije is registered for corporate law;
Aston Goad is registered for corporate law;
Diederik Palstra is registered for corporate law;
Emile Bongers is registered for tax law;
Emile Remarque is registered for corporate law;
Jurgen van Beest is registered for tax law;
Machiel de Vries is registered for tax law;
Marc van Campen is registered for tax law;
Marcello Distaso is registered for tax law;
Martijn Stuart is registered for corporate law;
Maurits Tausk is registered for corporate law;
Mies Rijperman is registered for corporate law;
Paul Kraan is registered for tax law;
Piet Boonstra is registered for tax law;
Robin de Meester is registered for tax law;
Saskia Bergin is registered for corporate law;
Sophie de Mandt-Sprockel is registered for corporate law; and
Svetlana Baraban is registered for financial law.
Based on this registration, they are required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.